Thursday, June 24, 2010

The L Board Bulletin

I wrote this write up when I was asked to come up with a name for a bulletin for our client Higher Education Forum. I came up with the name L Board to which I was told to elaborate and here it is.

Just another day at work and I had this 5ft 5 something, a man in early 50s, white whiskers, and a forehead that reached the medulla oblongata to be my next appointment. We got talking and it was about the distribution of my newspaper MyEducationalGuide. They say listening is one of the best skills and what did I get? Allow a man of experience and age to talk, and he will leave you enlightened. I like to share an excerpt of this conversation with you.

He said, “Sir, there was a time when I had my own taxi service. I have all those years of being on road turned in to being my veins.” You could sense this man belongs to one of the quote I use from my quote dispenser, “Some people talk because they have to say something, while some because they have something to say”. This man obviously belong to the later category.

He continued, “You know one thing, I drove the taxi for 19 years and I still have the L board on, for I believe I am yet learning.” He said this and I could sense the ghost of Socrates next to me saying, “All I know is I know nothing.”

Learning is about humbling and it is a process that never ends. I believe we are all learning and we need to be humble enough to have the L board on. I am going to get my L Board soon and I hope you get yourself one.

Thank you


  1. Very Well said .. :) There is lot more to learn... by just observing.. :)
