Monday, March 1, 2010

The Two G’s I can’t do without.

I had to write an article that would respond to a google search for hand bags, replica hand bags and Gucci hand bags. Had to get a title for the same

= designer hand bags, replica hand bags, Gucci hand bags

Wolfed down two whole wheat grumpy grandpa toasts, gulped a glass of skimmed milk, grabbed my Gucci hand bag, and zoomed into the Prius with a line “hello Pierre”. Pierre - my high school love and after a twelve year old marriage a husband for life – had to pick up his friend who was flying down all the way from Malta, so I thought the best thing to do is get Pierre drop me on the 5th Avenue Broadway and from there I’d get Gwyneth to make it to the gallery.

Gwyneth, my friend and my gallery assistant has this eye for bags and could call a spade a spade even if you’d get her unconscious. The last time I lost my designer hand bag, I called Gwyneth and asked her to help me get a new designer hand bag for me and there she was; we bumped into this Gucci outlet and she helped me pick a fine Italian leather piece of art sitting on the teakwood shelf looking at me and waiting to get picked by me.

While we made our way through the slow spaced streets of New York, Gwyneth updated me on the events for the day. Today on display we have the work of a Portuguese artist Vivian Georama to be on display. We were expecting big names as the event was sponsored by Gucci, the cream de la crème of fashion world, and the artists from all over Europe were the invitees. Quite a day Girl!

Whatever be the event, whoever be scheduled for the day, Gwyneth never missed on to making a note of the designer hand bags, clutches or purses maneuvering around. She would make it a point to tap people carrying a replica of designer hand bags and pass I-know-what-you-got comment. Even before I could ask her do you have a nose of a dog, she would say. “Yes – and I know that was coming. Samantha to me replica hand bags or fakes is as clear as weeds and unwanted seeds.” I could recall Malcolm Gladwell’s, “Blink” in which he professes that all it takes is a blink to tell right from wrong and I could see Gwyneth as my “blinker girl”.

Ever since I lost my last designer hand bag, I remember the whole tiresome process of getting another one or in Gwyneth words fishing a real designer hand bag from the replica designer hand bag, so I make sure I carry my Gucci along.

After all what’s in your bag and what’s your bag is all about YOU.