Monsoon is here and no one that I know of has escaped this misty and moist mushy feeling of the season. We are busy giving final touch to the next issue of MEG July-Aug'10. I find this period very happening – some students are awaiting their results, some have already entered the second week of schooling and colleging; and on the other hand – FIFA. Just the other day, there was this kind of heavy shower, and the next thing you know is that the trains running late, people hassled up and stranded, while some kids near my office were playing football. This season has a lot of melodrama and I love to catch the glimpse of life pass by my virtual camera.
It is monsoon all over; my Slovakian friend asked me, how’s monsoon at my end? And I went on raining words on the feeling of this season. The first thing I did after replying her was getting the MEG theme the monsoon feel. I was not yet out of the ecstatic feeling of Argentinean's Gonzalo Higuain's hat-rick and the next thing I get is a call from my editor that the beta version of the newspaper is out and that was did the topping of a cherry moment, I find myself working on the MEG issue. At MEG, we are all charged up with this issue, the rains ain't the adrenaline alone but the proud feeling of beginning of 3rd season of MEG.
It is always a pleasure to read emails sent by readers of MEG that goes to show that how they have accepted the newspaper and how they want their MEG, their way. Pressed for sponsors, makes it a bit challenging to live up to the expectations of our readers, but then performance under pressurizing situations is the mark of a man. Undoubtedly, the MEG teams is always working towards making MEG better and reach wider audience and cater to the suggestions and recommendations of our current readers.
I hope you like this issue. By the way, the open secret is that we are going to open this season in style. Yes our cover story for this issue is fashion.
Noel Gomes
Creative Head